Международный конкурс по английскому языку «British Bulldog» 2021, вопросы и ответы для 5-6 класса

15 декабря 2021 года состоится XV международный игровой конкурс по английскому языку «British Bulldog».

Конкурсные задания ориентированы на участников с разным уровнем подготовки и способствуют развитию интереса к языку и культуре англоязычных стран.

Конкурс проводится в школе, участником может стать любой учащийся со 2 по 11 класс, оплативший регистрационный взнос. Право бесплатного участия может быть предоставлено детям-сиротам, учащимся детских домов, школ при больницах и санаториях.

Подготовлено пять вариантов заданий: 2, 3–4, 5–6, 7–8 и 9–11 классы. Вариант заданий для участников из 2-х и 3–4-х классов состоит из 30 вопросов, для участников других возрастных групп из 45. Задания для 2-х классов рассчитаны на школьников, изучающих английский язык второй год или занимающихся дополнительно. В каждом возрастном варианте задания направлены на различные виды языковой деятельности, обязательным является блок с аудированием. На каждый вопрос нужно выбрать один из четырех вариантов ответов. Время на выполнение заданий – 45 минут.

Официальный сайт конкурса — runodog.ru/.

Международный конкурс по английскому языку «British Bulldog» 2021, вопросы и ответы для 5-6 класса


1)What is the programme Eat Well about?

A) Food

B) Music

C) Dogs

D) Painting

2)When can you watch Eat Well? At … o’clock.

A) 11

B) 12

C) 2

D) 3

3)Who is Michael White?

A) A chef

B) A singer

C) A dancer

D) A painter

4)How many songs will Michael White sing?

A) 4

B) 5

C) 6

D) 7

5)Which is Michael White’s favourite song? “You are the … .”

A) Sun Glasses

B) Sunlight

C) Sunshine

D) Sun Rays

6)When else can you see the programme about Michael White?

A) At 2 o’clock

B) On Monday

C) At 3 o’clock

D) On Friday

7)What can Tony Smart teach you to do?

A) To paint pictures

B) To sing

C) To do nothing

D) To care about animals

Правильный ответ: A

8)Who plays the leading role in the drama On the Farm?

A) Michael White

B) Tony Smart

C) Tony White

D) Jason Davis

9)Which animal stars with him? A … .

A) cat

B) dog

C) horse

D) donkey

10)Which is the last programme for today?

A) Eat Well

B) The one about swimming

C) A drama

D) The news programme

Read the text and answer the questions This is the story of a ghost. He lives in the beautiful Centerville Castle. Mr Otis and his family live there, too. The ghost has big red eyes, grey hair, a long nose, thin legs and a white face. He thinks he’s very frightening. But nobody is afraid of him. The ghost is very sad and unhappy. He cries in his room in the tower. Mr Otis’ daughter, Virginia, feels sorry for him and wants to help him. The ghost tells her about his problem. He can only rest when a girl with blonde hair helps him and the almond tree in the garden has flowers. Virginia and the ghost go through a wall. The Otis family looks for Virginia in the rooms, under the beds, behind the doors, and on the roof. They finally see her sitting under the almond tree in the garden. They look up and notice that the almond tree has flowers. Virginia and the ghost can finally rest. Now they are happy.

11)What creature lives in the castle?

A) A leprechaun

B) A ghost

C) A werewolf

D) A zombie

12)What does the creature think of himself?

A) He’s ugly

B) He’s handsome

C) He’s scary

D) He’s charming

13)Are the inhabitants of the castle afraid of him?

A) Yes, some

B) Yes, all of them

C) No, nobody

D) No, only the girl

14)How does the ghost feel?

A) He’s pleased

B) He’s happy

C) He’s upset

D) He’s lost

Правильный ответ: C

15)What does he often do in his tower?

A) He sleeps

B) He has meals

C) He dances

D) He sobs

16) What colour is Virginia’s hair?

A) Black

B) Grey

C) Blonde

D) Red

Ответ: C

17) Who can help the poor creature?

A) Mrs Otis

B) Mr Otis

C) Virginia

D) Nobody

Ответ: C

18) How do the creature and Virginia get to the garden? Through the …

A) door

B) window

C) ceiling

D) well

Ответ: D

19) Where do Mr and Mrs Otis find their daughter?

A) In the room

B) Under the bed

C) In the garden

D) On the roof

Ответ: C

20) Why is the ghost happy?

A) He can work

B) Virginia is with him

C) He can now rest

D) He sees the almond tree

Ответ: C

Fill in the correct variant

21) Our English lesson is at … ten.

A) half

B) past

C) ten o’clock

D) a quarter to

Ответ: D

22) My grandfather is the person in our family.

A) older

B) oldest

C) more older

D) most oldest

Ответ: B

23) …pigs and cows on his granddad’s farm.

A) Their are

B) There are

C) There is

D) There was

Ответ: B

24) Where does Marge … for her holidays?

A) never goes

B) sometimes goes

C) usually go

D) always goes

Ответ: C

25) They aren’t in town. They are… holiday.

A) on

B) at

C) to

D) up

Ответ: A

26) There isn’t… milk left for breakfast.

A) no

B) a

C) any

D) some

Ответ: C

27) Every old castle has… strange old stories.

A) his

B) her

C) their

D) its

Ответ: D

28) He’s got… friends in his class.

A) a

B) much

C) little

D) a lot of

Ответ: D

29) That’s the man … wanted to talk with you.

A) who

B) what

C) whose

D) which

Ответ: A

30) Carol is the … of the twenty students in my class.

A) best

B) better

C) gooder

D) goodest

Ответ: A

Look at the picture and answer the questions

31) Which musical instrument can you see in the room?

A) A drum

B) A piano

C) A violin

D) A guitar

Ответ: B

32) What are the girls doing? They are.

A) quarrelling

B) dancing

C) laughing

D) running

Ответ: A

33) What does each of the girls want?

A) To have a dog

B) To play with a teddy bear

C) To go to bed

D) To play the piano

Ответ: B

34) What room is it? It’s a …

A) porch

B) kitchen

C) bedroom

D) bathroom

Ответ: C

35) Where is the toy dog? On the …

A) bed

B) piano

C) floor

D) windowsill

Ответ: B

36) How do the girls feel? They are

A) sad

B) happy

C) angry

D) afraid

Ответ: C

37) Where is the carpet?

A) On the wall

B) Under the piano

C) Under the bed

D) Near the door

Ответ: C

38) What is the shape of the carpet?

A) Rectangular

B) Square

C) Triangular

D) Round

Ответ: D

39) What is on the bedside table?

A) A dog

B) A lamp

C) A piano

D) A teddy bear

40) What is shown in the picture?

A) Planets and stars

B) Clouds and the sun

C) An underground world

D) An underwater world

Find the description

41) It is the home of the Crown Jewels of England

A) Westminster Abbey

B) The Tower of London

C) Buckingham Palace

D) Big Ben

42) This building is part of Westminster Palace.

A) St Paul’s Cathedral

B) Big Ben

C) Westminster Abbey

D) The London Eye

43) A monument to Queen Victoria is located in front of this building.

A) Buckingham Palace

B) Big Ben

C) The British Museum

D) The Tower of London

44) In this place you can see the monument which was built to commemorate Admiral Horatio Nelson.

A) Trafalgar Square

B) The Royal Observatory in Greenwich

C) Westminster Abbey

D) Buckingham Palace

45) It is one of the most famous prehistoric landmarks in the United Kingdom, and was built around the 31st century BC.

A) Stonehenge

B) The Barbican Centre

C) Westminster Abbey

D) The Tower of London

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